Seismic hazard in Chile | ESO

Credit : European Southern Observatory

information@eso.org. “Seismic Hazard in Chile.” Www.Eso.Org, https://www.eso.org/public/images/earthquake-01_cc/. Accessed 10 Sept. 2023.

  Chile has many earthquakes. sometimes even a few in a day! they have a lot of activity going on in their country when talking about earthquakes and this is because they are on top of the South American plate, the Nazca plate moves eastwards into this plate at about 6.6 centimeters a year! This causes large and small earthquakes to happen all the time. Even today, September 10th, at 11:55 am, there was an earthquake with the magnitude of 4.6! However, that is their normal, I would say to think about your decision on traveling there if your are afraid of earthquakes. 

    On another thought, one of the many ways to help the magnitudes of these earthquakes on a daily basis not have such a great affect on the people, they have come up with extreme building techniques. As a company named Verisk, which helps against these earthquakes in having a part with these buildings to with-stand these types of things, helps me to explain...  when coming up with these designs, these buildings should be able to not collapse at even a 9.0 magnitude of an earthquake! They may tilt, but the main design helps so that they do not collapse, killing hundreds of souls. When comparing to how these building upheld in a major 8.1 earthquake in 2014, respectively, only six people died and this is a huge difference when compared to the Valdivia earthquake in 1960, which in turn, sadly killed 1,655 people.

“Chile’s Earthquake Resilience Is an Iterative Process.” AIRWorldwide, https://www.air-worldwide.com/blog/posts/2022/01/chile-earthquake-resilience-process/. Accessed 10 Sept. 2023.


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