Blog Week 5

Chile's Volcanic Activity

Chile Volcano Eruption Sends Lava Shooting Into the Sky - ABC News


According to Chile Culture, they states, "About 500 volcanoes are potentially active, 36 are currently active and 44 have erupted at least once since 1820. The most historically active volcanoes in the north of Chile are: Lascar, San Pedro, Guallatiri and Isluga." This is interesting because California only has 7 volcanoes. Being that 90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the ring of fire, this is why Chile has had 15 volcanic eruptions in the last 20 years. Getting onto my next point, there are many ways that the citizens of Chile prepare for this.

Starting off with a disaster supply kit, the U.S. Embassy in Chile helps me to explain that the citizens in Chile should follow a list of all of the recommendations to have in their own D.I.Y. disaster supply kit. Such things can include water, batteries, food, and much more. They also explain that citizens should keep in contact with their friends and family in case of an emergency and to monitor local news. Avoiding the affected areas and much more can be included. They also explain that if they are in doubt on whether they should evacuate the area, that they can consult with authorities or hotel management and much more.


- California Has Active and Hazardous Volcanoes | U.S. Geological Survey. Californian Volcanoes

- Volcanoes of Chile | Chile Culture. Chile's Volcanoes.

- News, A. B. C. “Chile Volcano Eruption Sends Lava Shooting Into the Sky.” ABC News, ABC NEWS.

- Chile, U. S. Mission. “Disaster Preparedness: U.S. Embassy Santiago, Chile (February 27, 2023 ).” U.S. Embassy in Chile, 27 Feb. 2023, Chile Embassy/.


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