Coastal Erosion in Chile

Coastal erosion in central Chile: A new hazard? - ScienceDirect

Credit : Science Direct    

     When researching, Chile happens to be a country that is in third place when experiencing the amount of coastal erosion that they do. As an article from "Sustainability " states, "In the last decades, coastal storms have triggered unprecedented erosion rates and structural damage in several cities along the Chilean coastline [30]. The effects of these events have sometimes been aggravated by earthquakes, which in turn trigger tsunamis and changes in land elevation".

Coastal erosion in central Chile: A new hazard? - ScienceDirect

Credit : Science Direct   

This photo from Science direct can also show the amount of coastal erosion between two different beaches in Chile. On another note, there are many ways to help prevent this. As FEMA states, "Seawalls, revetments, bulkheads, groins and breakwaters may reduce erosion in the short-term". Another source named "Seawall Professionals of Florida" states, "Strategic planting of vegetation can be used to help control erosion. the roots of coastal plants help to anchor the sand and ensure that it is not carried off in erosion". I feel like we can definitely see this with some of our own beaches. In Monterey, Casa Verde Beach has a seawall. I do feel that the removal of ice plants should be something that needs to be done. The ice plants should be replaced with a better option that will stabilize the sand.


Science Direct




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